Children entering the early childhood classroom must be toilet independent, meaning that they can recognize when they need to use the restroom without adult prompting and can handle clothing and wiping independently.

In addition to attending an information session and submitting an application, please include:

Teacher/Caregiver Referral -  Request Form

The parent/guardian completes this request and a confidential recommendation form is sent to the teacher, nanny, or other caregiver indicated.

Submit the Form

Getting to Know You Form

This form is to be completed by the child’s parent/guardian based on the child's current developmental stage.

Submit the Form

School Records for Kindergarten Applicants

Parent/guardian completes School/Daycare Records request for records. Records must come directly from the care facility.

Submit the Form

Go to How to Apply for more information about the general application process or contact us if you have any questions.

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