Students can be considered for admission into first grade with no prior experience in the immersion language. Children new to language immersion spend their first year learning to understand and process a new language. Because the lower elementary curriculum uses so many manipulatives to teach concepts, young students continue their learning in all academic areas but at a somewhat slower pace. Students with extensive experience in the immersion language of the classroom can be considered for admission for second through sixth grades.

In addition to attending an information session and submitting an application, please include:

Teacher Referral - Request Form

The parent/guardian completes this request and a confidential referral form is sent to the teacher indicated.

Submit the Form

School Records

The Parent/guardian completes this request for records. Records must come directly from the school.

Submit the Form
After all application materials are received, elementary applicants will be invited to spend time in the classroom. Applicants will be evaluated to determine their level of fluency and their likely ability to make academic progress in an immersion setting.

Go to How to Apply for more information about the general application process or contact us if you have any questions.

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