Priority applications for the 2025 - 2026 school year are now closed. Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis if space becomes available. We do not offer a wait list.
If you are interested in learning more about IMS, please fill out our inquiry form and schedule your virtual tour. For more information, please email
Due to the nature of our full immersion programming, elementary students (grades 1 - 6) must demonstrate proficiency in reading, writing, and verbal communication in their target language. Middle Grades students are not required to speak a second langauge.
We look forward to connecting with you about future enrollment opportunities.
(919) 401-4343 / Option 1
3001 Academy Road, Suite 300
Durham, NC 27707
(919) 401-4343 / Option 2
5510 Barbee Chapel Road
Chapel Hill, NC 27517